

This project is an homage to the rich cultural heritage of historic Italian public fountains that serve as hubs for communal gathering, nodes for social interaction. The fountain is a 3-meter-high cone-shaped air structure that aims to challenge and deconstruct traditional notions of fountains as merely decorative elements of urban environments.


Its minimalist geometric form and the transparent biodegradable PVC material allow visitors to observe hidden elements that are typically concealed in other fountains such as the water pump and the water recirculation system. The inflatable fountain floats atop a constructed reflective water pond creating a striking contrast between permanence and impermanence, rigidness and delicacy.


Photographs by DSL studio

Reflections of Now On Slowness Fluid Gardens Garden House Purble Nebula Dry Garden NOGUCHI AND GREECE, GREECE AND NOGUCHI ECHOES POIKILOS LIGHTS ON Chronos Conversations on Domesticity Ask Me If I Believe in the Future DOMESTICITY-AT-LARGE DOMESTICITY-AT-LARGE Why Now? Hard, Soft, and All Lit Up with Nowhere to Go Future Archeology Future Archaeology Volax Come Back Tomorrow Archipelago Far Doric Columns Standing Stones Pilotis Landscapes Homage Formations Bloc Studios / Alcova Forms of Volume Untitled Memory Acts New Reflections Champs Creatifs Athlos Rest Stop Table of Contents

This project is an homage to the rich cultural heritage of historic Italian public fountains that serve as hubs for communal gathering, nodes for social interaction. The fountain is a 3-meter-high cone-shaped air structure that aims to challenge and deconstruct traditional notions of fountains as merely decorative elements of urban environments.


Its minimalist geometric form and the transparent biodegradable PVC material allow visitors to observe hidden elements that are typically concealed in other fountains such as the water pump and the water recirculation system. The inflatable fountain floats atop a constructed reflective water pond creating a striking contrast between permanence and impermanence, rigidness and delicacy.


Photographs by DSL studio